AVATAR IN 3D (in 5 minutes) from Artie Vierkant on Vimeo.
Artie Vierkant. He just wrote an essay about art post-internet which is a good read.AVATAR IN 3D (in 5 minutes) from Artie Vierkant on Vimeo.
Artie Vierkant. He just wrote an essay about art post-internet which is a good read.Kemialliset Ystävät: Kajastusmuseo from Fonal Footage on Vimeo.
Really hot stuff from Brenna lately. Check flickr & page. She also did the cover for the Kemialliset Ystävät record, and it looks & sounds awsome.120 ceramic E.T. figures were slipcast over a 10-month period from a single plaster mold purchased from a second-hand store in 2009. Once glazed and serialized The E.T.s were then circulated through donation to area thrift stores where they were priced, shelved and sold to the public." - Joe Yorty
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